Your healing journey…
Healing Traumatic Events and Relationships:
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Overview: In this final session, we talk about how to overcome trauma and loss from the past, as well as various modalities to explore if a person feels stuck or in need of additional help. We discuss the importance of moving on from disempowering relationships, and how to create a new “story” for moving on in life in an empowering way. Finally, we review some main points from the series, and suggest ways to keep moving forward.
Key Points for Session Six:
1. Life involves a lot of stress, trauma, and loss. Sadness is a natural reaction to loss— and is only a problem if you get stuck in it in a repetitive or indulgent manner.2. Welcoming one’s feelings (instead of resisting them) helps them to move through you more quickly.
3. Talking to someone about your feelings and/or various therapies can help you to overcome sadness and/or trauma. EMDR, hypnosis, CBT and NLP are all therapeutic methods to help people move through past stuff more quickly.
4. The “Erasure Technique” can help you quickly neutralize traumatic memories.
5. It is helpful to have the perspective that past trauma can help you become a more compassionate and better person.
6. Always invest in your relationship with yourself in order to be better prepared for the inevitable loss in life.
7. It can help to write a “letter of completion” or some other ritual to move through feelings that arise from the changing of relationships.
8. By working on one’s “weak link” in your life, you can quickly improve the quality of your life as a whole.
9. In order to succeed in any endeavor, you need two things:
a) Knowing the effective or right thing to do.
b) Doing the right thing consistently.
10. Be aware that you can write your own story by
a) Remembering who you deep down are.
b) Letting go of what needs to be let go of.
Suggested Exercises and Methods for Session Six:
1. READ “LETTER OF COMPLETION SHEET”: If after reading this handout, you feel it would be valuable for you to do this exercise, then do it.2. DO THE ERASURE TECHNIQUE: All the steps for using this method to neutralize negative memories are included in the enclosed handout.
3. WRITE OUT YOUR OLD AND NEW STORY: The information on the method and the benefits of writing about your life in this way are all included in the handout titled “My New/True Story.”
4. LISTEN TO POWER MEDITATION #7: This guided meditation will help you to look at a traumatic event from your past in a new and empowering way.
5. LISTEN TO POWER MEDITATION #11: This guided meditation will help you to let go of anger, resentment and stress in relation to someone you know.
6. BEGIN LISTENING TO THE “ESCAPE FROM DEPRESSION” PROGRAM: See if this program resonates with you, and if so, continue to listen to it.
7. LISTEN TO THE “DEEPER HAPPINESS” PROGRAM: Begin with session one, session 12 and session 13 and see if this program resonates with you.