Body In Balance


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      Body In Balance

Overview: Session Three is all about getting your body in balance and feeling good.   We discuss various supplements you can take that have the ability to uplift your mood and alleviate depression, as well as help you get a good night’s sleep.   In addition, we give simple methods for overcoming Seasonal Affective Disorder, indigestion, and increasing your body’s energy.



1. Your brain consists of three primary parts. The Reptile system is the oldest part, followed by the Limbic system (in charge of emotions), and the Neo-cortex (the newest part).

2. Our goal is to use the Neo-cortex to influence the Reptile and Limbic part of your brain—so you can have more choice and freedom.

3. By trying a lot of different methods and supplements, you’ll soon find what works best for you.

4. By altering our bodies through nutrition, exercise, and/or supplements and medications, you can alter your thoughts and emotions.

5. Approximately 75% of the effect of anti-depressants is due to the placebo effect.
This shows that your beliefs and attitudes can heal you.

6. Nutritional supplements can often help with mild or moderate depression. St. John’s Wort and 5HTP have often been found to be effective, and have only about half the reported side effects of anti-depressants.

7. It can take one to three months before the effects of supplements or anti-depressants are noticeable.

8. Besides helping with depression, Sam-E can be useful for PMS, joint pain, fibromyalgia, and increasing motivation. Yet, it must be taken on an empty stomach.

9. Exercise has been shown to powerfully decrease the chances of getting depressed or getting Alzheimer’s, and is very effective in improving the mood of people who are depressed. If possible, find a buddy to exercise with, or some other way to stay motivated.

10. By eating more vegetables and less sugar, you increase your chances of having greater emotional and physical health. A Nutribullet type blender for creating healthy smoothies, stevia as a sugar substitute and daily fish oil (2 grams or more) are highly recommended. The website, can save you a lot of money over health food stores when purchasing supplements.

11. Your gut bacteria can influence your health and mood. Lacto basilica (often found in yoghurt) and Bifodobacterium (bifidum) may be useful for helping your gut. Some probiotics contain these bacterium.

12. Good sleep is critical to good physical and emotional health. Melatonin, Kava and Valerian Root can all be helpful natural supplements in the aid of a good night’s sleep.



1. READ HANDLING INSOMNIA HANDOUT: It will give you a couple of ways to overcome occasional difficulty in falling asleep.

2. DO A 7 MINUTE WORKOUT: Use the enclosed sheet to exercise every part of your body at home in only 7 minutes.

3. READ THE “WINTER BLUES” HANDOUT: Seasonal Affective Disorder is something that affects a lot of people, yet is in most cases is easily remedied.

4. TRY POWER MEDITATION #1: Learning to be present in your body is an important step in both feeling better and in achieving greater health.

5. READ THE SUPPLEMENT SHEET HANDOUT AND TRY A SUPPLEMENT: In many cases of mild or moderate anxiety or depression, the right supplement can make a major difference. Try buying and taking one of the recommended ones and see if it works for you.

6. CONTINUE TO USE EXERCISES FROM PREVIOUS SESSIONS THAT WORKED FOR YOU. Look over your rating sheet and continue to use any method that seemed to be helpful to you.