Free From Disturbing Thoughts


Handling Your Thoughts:
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      Handling Your Thoughts

Overview: In this session, we discuss how to let go and/or reprogram negative thought patterns. We give several simple and powerful methods for turning toxic thoughts into harmless or even empowering thoughts. We also discuss a simple method for solving problems, as well as “power phrases” for helping you tap into positive feelings more easily.

Key Points for Session Two:

  1. While this course is about changing what’s between your ears, if you can easily change something in your environment that is triggering bad feelings, then do so.
  2. Getting plenty of restful sleep is important in handling S.A.D.  Make a point of doing so.
  3. If sleep medications don’t work for you, or you want to avoid them, try relaxing by using Power meditation #3 or #6.
  4. An explanation was given of how negative thought patterns arise and are maintained.
  5. One of the best ways to handle negative feelings is by changing the underlying thoughts that lead to bad feelings. This is often called Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or CBT.
  6. There are common thought “mistakes” that it are helpful to be aware of.
  7. By writing out rebuttals to common negative thought patterns, you can overcome their effect on you.
  8. By making fun of negative thought patterns, you can lessen their impact on you.
  9. By asking and answering questions such as “what could be good about this?” you can refrain from going down a negative thought pattern.
  10. Coming up with “power phrases” or affirmations can be useful in overcoming negative thought patterns.
  11. Taking small actions toward solving a problem can sometimes work wonders in getting out of overwhelm.
  12. Feeling connected to someone and knowing that they care is a big boost in getting out of feeling S.A.D.


Suggested Exercises for Week Two:


  1. Use the “Fill in the Blank Rebuttal sheet” to come up with rebuttals to destructive thought patterns.
  2. Fill in the Suicide Prevention Contract if you ever struggle with suicidal thoughts
  3. Use the Disney Voice Method to make fun of thoughts that give you trouble.
  4. Change the focus of your thoughts by asking:
    a) What could be good about this?
    b) Will these worries matter in five years?
  1. Use “power phrases” or affirmations to interrupt and alter negative thought patterns.
  2. Get Yourself Into Action by asking the “Five Problem Solving Questions:”
    a) In a single sentence, what’s the problem?
    b) Exactly what would I like to be different about this situation?
    c) Are there any people or resources that may be able to help me with handling this problem effectively?
    d) How can I break this problem down into bite sized steps?
    e) What is the first action step I’ll take in handling this problem, and by when will it get done? Write out all your answers.
  3. If you have a friend or person you’d like to connect with, see if you can schedule a time to spend with them.